Iron, Minnesota
We're about leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

8964 Highway 37
Iron, Minnesota 55751
Office: (218) 744-2784
About Us
Faith United Lutheran Church is located in the heart of Minnesota's iron mining region. We are in a rural setting southwest of Eveleth and Virginia and east of Hibbing on the Mesabi Iron Range. Logging and farming are two of the other main economic activities of the area surrounding our church. There is also a large retired population among the membership of our congregation. Most of the youth attend the Cherry School in the St. Louis County Independent School District but others attend Mt. Iron, Hibbing, Eveleth, Gilbert, or Virginia public schools.
The members and friends of Faith United Lutheran Church (an ELCA congregation) worship each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. A nursery is available if you need to leave with your child, but we also have a PrayGround up front for our children to stay and be included in the worship. Sunday School is held on scheduled Sundays during the service for Pre-School age through 6th grade aged children. Communion is celebrated on the first and third Sundays. We have several dedicated pianists and organists that provide music and on the third Sunday the Praise Band plays.
Special services are held throughout the year during Lent and Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. A Vacation Bible School in the summer, a church picnic in August, and an outdoor Rally Sunday service in September help to enhance our summer worship. Food baskets are provided to families in need at Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Ruby's Pantry, a community food distribution organization, distributes on the fourth Wednesday each month from the Clinton Town Hall near the church and several members provide helping hands with this. At Christmas time an Angel Tree at church allows members to give gifts to children and families in need within our community. Faith United not only has children go to the Vermilion Lutheran Ministry Camps but members volunteer there in building and maintenance projects. We sponsor a Cub Scout Pack and a Boy Scout Troop. The Piecemakers group makes quilts for the annual church auction and holds a September quilt marathon during which they make many quilts to distribute to schools, Lutheran Social Service, and other agencies. The annual church auction is a community event that provides church members and the community a chance to sell and buy donated items as well as to eat and visit.